Thursday, April 3, 2014

Negative Creep

So it has been 20 years since the death of Kurt Cobain. There have been various tributes floating around everywhere, and most of the speculate as to what Kurt Cobain's music would sound like if he were alive today. Most of them focus on Nirvana's unplugged performance, and the idea that Kurt would have most likely gone solo and go in a more mellow and folksy direction with his music. And while that does seem like a very likely theory, I would like to take a moment to celebrate/remember how much Nirvana rocked, with all the noisy punk/metal/alternative weirdness that they managed to combine together into a wonderful mess of rock awesomeness!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

My Eulogy for Fred Phelps

I’m not one to wish death upon people, or to celebrate the death of anyone. No matter how much I may not like a person, I consider life to be an amazing thing, and find any loss of life to be tragic. That being said, there are very few people in this world that I detest to the point where I think the world would be a better place without them, and Fred Phelps is one of them. He has spent his life preaching hate and intolerance in the name of supposed religious righteousness. In reality, he is a hateful bigot that has earned his place in Hell, if such a place exists. Most people that know me know that I am not very religious, but I was under the impression that God is loving and forgiving. Everything that Fred Phelps has spewed from his mouth has done nothing but promote hate, bigotry, and violence in the world. He is a horrible, horrible human being, and I will not mourn his death.